The Magical Queerness of Wolfwalkers
After taking this class for a semester I can easily tell the who the queer characters are. I really enjoyed this movie and it’s story. Probably because it’s a modern day made movie. In Wolf Walkers I could see the relationship Robyn and Mebh had instantly. Right from the first interaction they had together. Robyn is caught in a trap and Mebh, as a wolf, first reaction was curiosity. Not attack. She free’s Robyn from the trap and in the process accidently bites her. This bite eventually turns her into a wolf walker, a half human, half wolf. The transformation process closely resembled coming out. Robyn is a young kid who has a creative imagination who loves to talk about fairytales. In this movie any talk about wolf walkers is forbidden because it scares the townsfolk. But Robyn knows wolf walkers are not what they are perceived as. Mebh acts as Robyn’s queer guide because she persuades Robyn to defy her father’s wishes to come and hang out with her in the woods. When Mebh bit Robyn it’s almost as if Mebh gave Robyn a taste of what being queer is like and Robyn accepts it and absolutly loves it. The first time Robyn turns into a wolf she goes and finds Mebh and she explains to her it’s not bad at all. Mebh and Robyn run through the woods bumping into each other laughing and having a lot of fun and shows they have feelings for each other.
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