Pricilla and the search for acceptance.-Nyssa Burton

I found the movie more interesting than the others though not as entertaining. It felt just as campy as the others but took a lot more time to go into the characters which presented a new amount of depth than our previous films. The lead trio of characters did not seek what other characters in our previous films sought. They did not care what people thought and at the negative opinions of the word all of them had the view of "I am who I am and you can't change that."

the most interesting bond in the movie for my was between Adam and his son. The son had a very different outlook than the rest of the world towards them. He actively wants to know his father's job and while he is has mixed feelings on what he is, his son sees nothing wrong with his profession. the gender roles of the movie are a little mixed but still very defined. Bernadette as a transwoman and tick as a more feminine between he and Adam shows that there are still gender rolls being taken in the group. overall the costume design and the show of it all was more pronounced with the back drop of a desert in comparison to our previous films. I greatly enjoyed the exploration of themes and costumes as well as the more  thoughtful nature so while it wasn't as entertaining in the campy nature it more than made up for it growth and exploration of character. 


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